Anatomy of Internet Safety, Part 2 (Episode 175)

Amber MacArthur

Amber MacArthur

A conversation with social media expert, Amber MacArthur, about kids' online behaviour, privacy, and safety. Topics include:

  • How can parents supervise their kids online?

  • Questions parents should ask their kids

  • The importance of education for parents

  • Preventing cyberbullying by role modelling

It's all about helping kids learn to be safe online this week on Family Anatomy.

Listen here:

FA175 - Anatomy of Internet Safety, Part 2
Family Anatomy

Amber MacArthur is an established digital marketing and social media speaker, author, host, producer, and consultant based out of Toronto, Canada. She is President of Konnekt Digital Engagement, a digital marketing agency with offices in Halifax and Toronto, and the author of best selling business book, Power Friending. She also co-hosts App Central on CTV, featuring the latest developments in mobile technology, which currently airs nationally in four countries.

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Note: Posts on Family Anatomy are for education only, and are not intended to replace professional or medical advice. If you need to talk to someone about family or mental health issues, you can get a referral from your family doctor. Doctors Brian and Giuseppe discussed kids and families in general in this episode, but every child and family is unique; your experience may vary from that discussed in this episode.